It's not easy being REEN

Life in Hollywierd

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Well, I found myself complaining today about the rain in L.A.-- about how people don't know how to drive, and about how bummed I am that February only has 28 days and so rent is already due. Then I thought about the bubbles.

When I recently went to Mexico to visit one of the many orphanages they have down there, I spent the day with these kids and I forgot all about my stupid problems. When I got to the orphanage I realized I didnt have anything for the kids to play with, except bubbles. Believe it or not I had them from an audition I went on--long story, not important-- let's just say they weren't really appreciated like this. The look in their eyes when they watched the soap blow off the wand to create these magic round bubbles....was great. They had never seen it before. In fact, most the kids had no toys at all, and between my digital camera, and the blowing bubbles, you would have thought I was Mickey Mouse himself --arriving with Disneyland in my pocket. I can't explain what joy one gets from making one of these kids smile. And before I start to get preachy like a feed the children infomercial--let's just say--if you are feeling bummed today, or annoyed at little things in life, go buy yourself some bubbles--and blow em off.