roman around.....
Well, turns out I didn't get stood up by a man who could not stand up!
I finally called MArco 2 again.......he answered and in his broken italian said
"Raqual, me accident, hospital, no good" ACCIDENT?? HOSPITAL??
So I did what any italian speaking tourist would do---I handed the phone to a stranger and asked him to talk to marco and translate to me what happened. Apparently Marco tripped that day and broke his foot---he was in the hospital all day and can not walk so he wanted me to take a taxi to his place so we could still see each other.
Wow---of all the excuses, this one was pretty good, if anything I had to see it for myself- so I said goodbye to Rome, and as you can see I walked right up to the famous spanish steps in the rain---with no umbrella---feeling the rain pour down and was grinning ear to ear. I was not stood up after all. And as soon as I climbed the steps I would be on my way to Marco 2 right on the beach. Goodbye Rome--thank you for the best trip I ever had.
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