It's not easy being REEN

Life in Hollywierd

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


So I am writing on my computer at a table overlooking the famous St. Marcs square in Venice---drinking a really -really expensive cappuccino and listening to live beautiful classical musicians play romantic tunes right behind me, watching people and pigeons--why do they seem to LOVE taking pictures with pigeons crawling all over them???---normally people would shoo them away, but in venice---I guess even rats with wings look enticing. I personally enjoyed the view of my hot italian waiter, so I sat drinking coffee for a while. Then I joined the festive venice feeling and bought a joker hat and wore it for the rest of the day---which might explain the strange looks I got all day.


At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think the joker hat is something
you should explore further possibilities with. It's even a
notch up from your use of the hand
puppet on the AP website. I don't
know if it's because it is bigger
than you are, or because no one
else uses one as a trademark, or that
it actually has such an ancient
lineage. But, there is something big
in the combo of you and that hat.

Yours in creative thinking,



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