It's not easy being REEN

Life in Hollywierd

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Crocodile FUN-DEE

Well, learning about courting behavior with crocodiles was a real experience. The males actually take their time, blow bubbles, bump heads and take a few days to "get to know" the female before impregnating her. She lifts up her neck and has some king of glandular perfume, that she hopes he will like...BUT if you are a female and you take an interest in a male that does not find you attractive, he could kill you.

How's that for a painful rejection? I'd send a note first saying "dear croc, please place in X in the appropriate box":

1. I like you
2. I want to blow bubbles at you
3.You smell nice
4. Won't kill you, just not interested

Boy, I thought human courtship was dangerous!


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